Acknowledgement of others is a powerful way to strengthen relationships and increase fulfillment in life. The power of acknowledgement is vast and easy to set in motion. We all work hard toward what it is we need or want to achieve. Some days it is easy to get wrapped up in the general annoyance of feeling under-appreciated and over put upon. Take a mental step back and look at those around you- family members, coworkers, friends or complete strangers; each with their individual mountain to climb. An unsolicited word of acknowledgement may lighten the weight of their steps forward. Oddly you also may feel lifted as well.
The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. –William James
Here are the top ten ways you can acknowledge someone that deserves praise and will benefit from hearing it:
- Tuck a note of acknowledgement into their lunch or leave it on their desk.
- Stop what you are doing and totally focus on the person you wish to acknowledge.
- Send a hand written note or select a lovely card and include a message.
- Send a quick heartfelt email of appreciation.
- Praise someone for a job well done, especially nice for those you don’t know.
- A friendly wave and greeting to a stranger sends a burst of warmth their way.
- Look for the positive things people do so you can acknowledge and encourage them.
- Send a random text- to let someone know how much you appreciate them.
- Take a minute to let a manager know when an employee does a good job.
- Acknowledge people who are doing a good job – like a teacher or policemen.
The written word is still treasured and carries greater personal wishes then an email. Each of my gift cards comes with a beautiful translucent vellum envelope. The US mail is old-school but the excitement of a hand written card from a friend is a true gift these days. One you can tuck away and pull out later to revisit.
A Valentine for the Earth
Come Together . handbook to retool for the future joyfully guides you through easy change for the better. 172 pages- get a copy and share it. This is a book to start a movement- empowering each of us to choose daily action and invention to live sustainabily. We are the problem. We are also the solution.
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