Second Edition 2025
Come Together is a the handbook for our future. It’s time to walk the walk.
How to walk the walk
We are the change that is needed now. This engaging book is full of easy steps you can take now to help stem climate change and restore health to our planet. Lets launch a movement of individuals to tackle global warming by simply retooling our daily actions. Take easy proactive steps develop a long term perspective based in civility, integrity and an invigorating love for our earth. Save money, lose clutter, live well, feel happy and healthier as you pull for the planet.
Use this proactive handbook for a greener future
Make smart changes through a bottoms up strategy for now where each of us is empowered to make a difference in little ways that trend to big solutions.The Movement of One is both the individual and all of us connected in this common goal. Pass this book on. We are the change.
We need to Come Together to stem climate change
Find actions you can take to reach out to others in a positive way to go forward together. We can agree on one common goal. That we must address the health of the earth and take steps to live more mindfully on a daily basis. Come Together addresses how to tackle areas in both your home or office to simplify, declutter and create greener, healthier spaces. All areas of your day, from travel to shopping and eating better are covered. Learn to make your own personal care products and about the health benefits of essential oils. Save money and remove toxic products from your home by using simple ingredients to create better cleaning supplies then chemical leaden commercial ones.
Take control of what you expose yourself and your family to
Learn about toxins that are not only bad for you, but can easily flow from your home into water supplies and the water we drink. It is as easy as changing your mindset to care. Pro-active practices make it easy to avoid buying into our addiction to plastic and false conveniences.
Read this book and pass it on- the earth will thank you. Earth day should be every day!
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