Our tiny bird spoon rest is fun, functional art work for your kitchen. The round handmade ceramic spoon rest has a notch for the spoon. Its shallow bowl shape catches any gloop from your culinary creation, keeping your stove tidy. A raised image of a little blue bird sitting on a swirling vine background decorates the inside of our spoon rest.
Each tiny bird spoon rest measures 5 inches in diameter and is glazed front and back. Every spoon rest is food safe. Just wipe clean with soapy dishwater. A spoon rest is a useful gift for anyone. It will brighten up your kitchen along with keeping it clean.
We have added a hole at the top of the tiny bird spoon rest. You can hang it on the wall as a decoration when not in use. Several spoon rests hung in a group look great in any kitchen.
The tiny bird spoon rest is handmade & painted, food safe and functional.
Each one is made individually by me in my studio! I roll out clay and press it into reverse relief tiles I made from a master tile. This process is like making a print, but using clay rather then paper. Next, I press the tiny bird with vines relief into a shallow bowl so if the spoon has gloop on it, that will stay in the bowl. I cut a notch for the handle of the spoon. The spoon rest dries and is fired to bisque. Afterward, I paint in the details with underglazes, adding the aqua flow glaze that defines the back ground texture. Finally it is fired once more with clear coat that seals the clay body in a thin layer of glass. This guarantees it is food safe and durable.
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